Do you know the X-Forwarded-For Header on Squid
Proxy Servers?
Then you will be pleasant to hear, that it is available on MS ISA
Servers if my plugin-in is loaded.
The plug-in can
operate in outbound connections "classic proxy" and for inbound connections
"reverse proxy".
What is the benefit if I use this for inbound connections?
Read the corresponding article Log the values of the
X-Forwarded-For and Via Headers to standard MS IIS
1. copy all dll's and the pdb file to ISA programmfolder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\)
2. from a command line type regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\ ISAXForwardedFor.dll"
3. take a look to the registry file ISAXForwardedFor.reg and import them, only two parameters are important
If anything goes wrong and entry will be made to the log file, but please keep in mind that the service account and the network account under which the Microsoft Firewall Service is running NEED'S read and write access to the log folder for logging! Please check this before you start. The appendXForwardedFor known two states on and off
4. copy the XForwardedFor.asp to an webserver which is connectable through the ISA server and see the header.
1. from a command line type regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\ ISAXForwardedFor.dll"
2. delete registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LEAN Software Production\ISAXForwardedFor and the logfile.
3. delete all dll's and the pdb file to ISA programmfolder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\) Only files that you have copied during the installation!
4. Restart MS Firewall Service or reboot the Server
last modified Wednesday, 2. November 2011 © Saltimbanco/Server/Geeks